SmartSpin2k Firmware
Table of contents
- Update existing firmware using Companion App
- Update existing firmware using Wi-Fi
- Flash over USB
- Flash using IDE
- Still having difficulty?
Update existing firmware using Companion App
Users with older firmwares prior to February 2024 will need to update to the latest using the Wi-Fi or USB flashing instructions before the app can be used.
- In the SmartSpin2k Config App, select Update Firmware.
- Select the firmware option you would like to install.
- Installation may take a few minutes.
Update existing firmware using Wi-Fi
- Download the latest SmartSpin2K firmware and extract the zip file.
- Access http://smartspin2k.local on your browser
- Select Update Firmware
- For both Username and Password, enter “admin”
- Choose firmware.bin (ensure the filename exactly matches this)
- Click Update
- Once updating is complete (the progress bar shows 100%), the SS2k will automatically reboot.
- You can then check the installed firmware version at the bottom of http://smartspin2k.local/index.html
Flash over USB
Before you start, be sure you have:
- Micro USB cable
- CP210x VCP drivers.
- SmartSpin2K Flasher
- The latest SmartSpin2K firmware.
- Connect a Micro USB cable to your computer and your SmartSpin2K (You do not need the power cable for this)
Start SmartSpin2KFlasher.exe
Click the serial port dropdown and select your SmartSpin2K - it will appear as COM# (the number may vary)
Click Browse and find your firmware.bin file from above
Click Flash ESP
- The ESP32 Microcontroller will be flashed with the firmware and the logger will immediately start showing data if flashing was successful:
V2 Owners may need to press the boot button when plugging in the usb cable in order to enter into bootloader mode.
Flash using IDE
- Install Microsoft Visual Code.
- Install PlatformIO into Visual Code.
- Open this project in PlatformIO.
- Compile the project and upload to an ESP32
Still having difficulty?
For users that are having difficulty upgrading to the latest firmware via the normal methods, this is an in-depth instructional video to help guide you through the process.